Hi, gorgeous!

Welcome to Wholehearted Women. I’m here to remind you that you are worthy of greatness, your own love and incredible abundance in life! Kimberley Welman x

Meet Ash McKee

Meet Ash McKee

Ash is a proud wife, mama, nurse & Wholehearted Women in Business owner. She mentors her clients towards better health and leads her business partners with pure passion and energy!

This is her story;

I initially joined this business for myself, my own health, my kids & my family’s health.

And, for every exhausted mama out there trying her absolute best. Who feels slightly lost right now & doesn’t know how to ‘fix’ it, for every woman jumping from diet to diet, hoping to fill that emptiness, for the woman that wants to find her spark, have an amazing group of women to lean on & want to become the person you’ve always dreamed of becoming - I said YES to this for you too!

I wanted to do something for me, to step out of my comfort zone and find my passion & the fire within me that I knew I had, & to create the happiness, vitality & abundance that I deserve as a busy mum, to get out of the post natal depleting fog that I was in & empower other mums & women out there to be the best versions of them self for their kids!

I have always had a passion for health & wellness & helping others, & that’s what drove me towards becoming a nurse in the first place, but more so in the last 6 years, since getting the gut wrenching diagnosis that I had a form of rheumatoid arthritis, at the age of 24. I knew something had to give, I was sick of yo-yo dieting, I came to the realisation that my teenage years & early 20’s were spent binge eating & only worrying about how to lose weight fast. Hence why I developed a gut disorder... & I knew I didn’t want my daughter to have to go through that vicious cycle either.

What I wasn’t prepared for when I said YES to this business though, was the amazing women that I have met along the way, lifted me up when I am down, supported me through hard times & good times, celebrated me for me & encouraged me to be my best version of myself! To this amazing community of women I am forever grateful!

I promise whatever you want in your life, it can be yours if you believe in yourself, find that fire inside of you & listen to your heart!

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Meet Stacey Robinson

Meet Amanda Hammond-Seymour

Meet Amanda Hammond-Seymour