Hi, gorgeous!

Welcome to Wholehearted Women. I’m here to remind you that you are worthy of greatness, your own love and incredible abundance in life! Kimberley Welman x

Meet Amanda Hammond-Seymour

Meet Amanda Hammond-Seymour

Hi, I am Amanda & I am a wife & a proud mum of two beautiful kids. I first joined this business to improve my own health & the health of my family. I didn’t realise until I joined how uninspired, how worthless and how lost and trapped I felt. This business has allowed me to reach out & help others in pain and give them back purpose with grace & flow!

I’ve made friendships and joined an incredible supportive community that I didn’t realise I needed until I found them. This business has exceeded my expectations!!!! I just can’t believe the amount of support, training, materials, guidance & so much more we have available to us.

I was that woman in pain, I was that woman needing connection with like minded people & I was that woman completely lost with no confidence. Now I just feel incredible! I am healthier, happier and being on a journey of self-love & personal growth has been amazing! I feel so lucky that I now get to share with other women and families my journey & help them to start feeling healthier and happier too. It’s such a great feeling helping others through health, wellness & wealth - such a gift. I am grateful I said yes to this opportunity! x

Meet Ash McKee

Meet Ash McKee

Meet Leanne

Meet Leanne