Hi, gorgeous!

Welcome to Wholehearted Women. I’m here to remind you that you are worthy of greatness, your own love and incredible abundance in life! Kimberley Welman x



Erin is a Senior Partner in our Wholehearted Women in Business community and is known for her glorious energy, huge heart & electric REELS! Making such a huge impact in health and the new age business space, Erin is the ultimate cheerleader for other women and one of our top client attractors!

This is her story:

I’m so excited to be part of this amazing community of women. My journey started with my health and weight loss. Back in April 2021 I had begun having some health issues and my weight was becoming dangerous. I was suffering from anxiety being in lockdown through Covid in Melbourne and was on the boarder for requiring medication for depression.

I joined the NHC program at the start of a 6 week challenge and never looked back. In those 6 weeks I lost 12.5kg, 34cm off my body but the mindset coaching is what has been the game changer for me and my family. (on a side note I won that challenge!)

Around that time I had also been thinking about returning to work after being a stay at home mother for 7 years. Being at home with my boys to watch them grow has always been my greatest joy, especially when my husband works as a Chef. It’s always been important to me to be home with them so we didn’t both miss out on the fun of them growing up. However, in saying that the prospect of returning to “traditional” work and having someone else dictate the hours, my pay and when I could take leave, not to mention the guilt if I couldn’t go to work because one of them was sick and I needed to take carers leave all shot my anxiety through the roof.

I’ve been so lucky that since after experiencing this shift in my lifestyle I thought this could be just the opportunity I had been looking for to get back into the workforce but on my own terms. Being able to represent the Naked Health Challenge and be a Wholehearted Woman in Business has ignited my life again. I love that I am more than a stay at home mum now. I’m a working from home mum, being the best version and example for my boys and showing them just how passionate their mum is about helping other women and families.

Buddah says: to keep the body in good health is a duty. Otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. I will always be truly grateful for this opportunity and for the amazing women that have become friends, and more than that, FAMILY.

Connect with Erin here: Erin Sinclair (@erinjanesinclair) • Instagram photos and videos

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