Hi, gorgeous!

Welcome to Wholehearted Women. I’m here to remind you that you are worthy of greatness, your own love and incredible abundance in life! Kimberley Welman x

Meet Sarah Dagostino

Meet Sarah Dagostino

Hi, I’m Sarah and I am a proud wife and mum to 3 beautiful children.

After feeling the amazing benefits of our wholefood products, I jumped at the chance to join Wholehearted Women in business to help other mums get healthier, more energised and find more purpose in their lives. Being a stay-at-home mum for 5 years, the feeling of social isolation & loneliness and unsure of what I wanted to do in life was something I wanted to change. I really wasn’t keen to go back to a traditional job and work hours that didn’t suit my family, I also wanted to be there for my kids when they needed me and I’m so happy this business has allowed me to be able to do that.

Wholehearted Women in Business has given me the community and connection I was looking for, and gave me the guidance to find the confidence I never thought I had within myself. The love, support and friendship from all the ladies in this beautiful community has been amazing! There is so much on offer from endless mentoring and self-development to an abundance of tools and resources to grow your business!

Living life beyond the ‘wife’ and ‘mum’ role has given me more freedom and flexibility in life. I’m so excited and passionate about helping other women find that spark within themselves too…the one that ignites more purpose and passion, allows self-growth and confidence to flourish, brings more income into their family and encourages more health and happiness into the home. Making an impact in my community and beyond is so rewarding and something I will forever be grateful for.

Meet Kelly Rosendhal

Meet Kelly Rosendhal

Meet Danielle Harris

Meet Danielle Harris