Hi, gorgeous!

Welcome to Wholehearted Women. I’m here to remind you that you are worthy of greatness, your own love and incredible abundance in life! Kimberley Welman x

Meet Ebony Prescott

Meet Ebony Prescott

Ebony is a proud wife, mum of two under two and Wholehearted Women in Business owner.

She mentors her clients through the Wholesome Health Club’s programs and also leads a global team of business partners. Ebony is passionate about helping women cultivate sustainable healthy lifestyle choices and to find their purpose and passion during motherhood and beyond!

This is her story:

Pre-kids, I had a professional career that I loved but when I fell pregnant with my first baby, I knew that I wanted to take a different pathway. I’d always wanted to be a stay at home mum and I’m so grateful to have been able to fulfil that dream. However, 3 years into my motherhood journey (now as a Mum of 2), I started to feel pangs of dissatisfaction. As a mum and wife giving 100% to the people I loved the most, there wasn’t much left for me. Life is full when you have 2 under 2, 24/7 with no family support close by but yet, I found myself wanting for more. The more I thought about it though, the more guilt I felt. I wanted to be a stay at home mum, I’d chosen this path, but here I was unhappy.

Returning to traditional work just wasn’t an option. I wanted to be in control of the hours I worked and have time freedom and flexibility. I didn’t want to have to ask a boss for time off when my kids were sick or if we wanted to take a family holiday at a time that wasn’t convenient or have that sinking feeling when the holidays are over and you’ve got to return to “the grind”. . I still wanted to be home with my babies but I wanted something just for me. Something to channel my creative energy into, be passionate about and get back that sense of professional contribution I’d been missing and also earn me a meaningful income. .

I feel so grateful that I’ve found a business vehicle that has met the brief AND SOME! I’m now a Mum, Wife, heath and fitness enthusiast AND business owner! I’ve worked hard. I’ve cried. I’ve laughed. I’ve been excited and scared all at the same time. I’ve also gained access to the most incredible, supportive, amazing community of women. Women who have raised me up, cheered me on and BELIEVED IN ME when I didn’t. Within myself I’ve found passion and purpose that I didn’t even know was there, drive and determination and a NEVER GIVE UP mindset. When I say these things out loud, it’s hard to believe this is me! When you decide that enough is enough in your life, it really is amazing what you can achieve. I am so grateful to have found my place and it feel so good to be here.

Thank you @wholeheartedwomeninbusiness for opening my eyes to what is possible and giving me the confidence and belief in myself that I can do this! xx

Eb x

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