Hi, gorgeous!

Welcome to Wholehearted Women. I’m here to remind you that you are worthy of greatness, your own love and incredible abundance in life! Kimberley Welman x

Meet Kimberley Welman

Meet Kimberley Welman

Hi Gorgeous,

It’s truly an honour to connect with you. I feel so grateful that you’ve been pulled towards my mission and story here, and my wish is that one day, i get to hear more about yours too.

I’m a proud wife and mama to three children, including a wild set of twins and feel so deeply blessed that as a family, we’ve been able to set ourselves up to live life in accordance to our values - here in SE QLD, Australia.

While i can write these words in flow, feeling a sense of calm confidence, empowerment and alignment in my life - it wasn’t that long ago i was far from all of these things.

Four years ago, I was feeling very trapped and capped in life. I felt like a hamster on a wheel going round and round, busy being busy and starting to feel unfilled, exhausted and dimming my light as i could feel my dreams slipping away.

I was working a corporate job of 19 years, my husband was running our traditional business and the kids had just started their schooling years. It was life in the fast lane, but the fast lane, wasn’t the fun lane for us. Despite all of the sacrifices we were making as a family - time, freedom, flexibility, health, only spending a Sunday together a family - we were getting to the end of the weeks feeling tired, stressed, drained and were never getting ‘ahead’ financially either. We stayed “Stuck” here for longer than we should have because it just felt normal, everyone around us seemed to be doing the same thing.

When we had our enough is enough moment, we knew things had to change and that was up to us, we had to stop waiting for others to save us. I decided to lean into the Wholehearted community because it was based around family health and wellness (one of my dreams that i felt was slipping away) and it radiated community, connection, growth, coaching, wealth creation and a freedom business vehicle.

Fast forward to today and as cliché as this sounds, i’m pinching myself even writing this….. I was able to retire out of the corporate field entirely and create a Wholehearted freedom lifestyle on our terms. A lifestyle that saw our homebased, healthy business turn over 7 figures last year.

Whilst the financial gain is incredibly freeing and rewarding, the impact, the energy, the health, the trust, the worth, the confidence and the self love i’ve ignited in myself is truly the greatest gift of all.

Back that up with being surrounded by an empowering community of women who span all across the world, I feel a deep sense of responsibility to pass this gift onto others who are craving more, like i was.

If this lights something in you, please feel free to message me privately. I personally respond to all of my messages and can’t wait to hear your story too.

Love Kimberley x


Kimberley is the founder of Wholehearted Women in Business and her team of partners are currently the top performers and fastest growing in their company within Australia.

The Wholehearted Women mission is simple, to help people get healthier and happier + create their dream life.

Kimberley leads the team with heart, authenticity, vision and combines her corporate communications and social media expertise into her coaching, with a focus on mindset and energetics to help women step into their power.


Kimberley co-founded the Naked Health Program in an effort to help women, men and families take their healthy power back. Kimberley oversees the inspired vision creation, program innovation, communications and marketing activations. She personally mentors clients through the health program whilst also training the team of ambassadors.


Kimberley is a Freedom Point Sub-Conscious coach and pours her divine wisdom of energetics and the law of attraction in her business and mindset trainings for her team. This unique style of coaching is highly regarded and after this method gave her tremendous results both personally and professionally, she’s passionate about passing the gift on to as many women as she can.

Kimberley also does occasional private sub-conscious coaching sessions with clients outside of her team. These sessions are designed to help women take the “silent handbrake” off in life and accelerate towards their greatest desires with belief, limitless confidence and feminine power. The sessions tap into not just the mindset, but the sub-conscious mind through a meditative state to recode past programming and limiting beliefs. The results are fast and transformative.


Kimberley has been sharing her journey on social media for over 8 years and first began by just documenting her journey back to better health and fitness after her twins were born. Over that time, she has grown her channels to a following of over 90,000 across FB and IG and has worked with some of Australia’s most regarded brands in the family health, sporting, lifestyle and retail space.

With a background of 19 years in corporate communications and public relations, her ability to connect and engage with her audience grew quickly and she’s regarded as one of Australia’s most successful ‘mum bloggers’. Her first book, The Stay Strong Mummy Fitness Plan, was published internationally in 2017 and still to this day, it lands in the hands of mothers around the world.

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