Hi, gorgeous!

Welcome to Wholehearted Women. I’m here to remind you that you are worthy of greatness, your own love and incredible abundance in life! Kimberley Welman x

Meet Stacey Robinson

Meet Stacey Robinson

Stacey is a proud wife, mum of two, personal trainer, business owner and all-round energetic woman who shows up daily to inspire and show others how to live healthier lifestyles. Her passion for wellness flows into food, fitness and mindset coaching - as well as helping other women create their dream life.

 Stacey has been an entrepreneur for as long as she can remember! When she first joined Wholehearted Women in Business she said she was nervous but excited at the same time - ‘you know that feeling just before you get married or buy your first house' ~ that’s how it felt! And of course, Stacey took the leap of faith and within just 18 months has become a senior leader.

Stacey runs her own personal training business and linked arms with Wholehearted Women to offer her clients extra nutrition support. While her passion is deeply entrenched in helping ladies keep fit, healthy and happy, she also coaches women through business. She’s a big believer in matching physical health to emotional health and says often the real game changer for a woman on a health journey is when they learn to love themselves on a deeper level, ignite more purpose & passion and be part of an empowering community.

Through Wholehearted Women in Business, Stacey coaches every day women how to set up virtual businesses to allow them to be part of an inspiring team, while creating more freedom and flexibility in their lives!



Meet Ash McKee

Meet Ash McKee