Hi, gorgeous!

Welcome to Wholehearted Women. I’m here to remind you that you are worthy of greatness, your own love and incredible abundance in life! Kimberley Welman x

Meet Kira Love

Meet Kira Love

Kira is one of the world’s top income earners in our profession and is pioneering an empowered women’s movement to inspire women to take their power their back through health, self worth and financial independence.

Her journey from a shy, financially fearful and introverted mother who felt like she had lost her voice to a global entrepreneur who presents on stages in front of tens of thousands of people is simply mind-blowing.

A lover of wholefoods, Kira’s passionate about inspiring families to cultivate healthy food cultures in their homes and is renowned as one of Australia’s top home cooks after her success on Channel Ten’s MasterChef in 2014.

Her passion for empowering women around their health flows well beyond the kitchen - she dedicates her days to coaching and mentoring women around their self worth, net worth, self belief and time abundance.

As a lead mentor globally, Kira coaches over 1500 women on a weekly basis.


Meet Kimberley Welman

Meet Kimberley Welman

Meet Victoria Reihana

Meet Victoria Reihana