Hi, gorgeous!

Welcome to Wholehearted Women. I’m here to remind you that you are worthy of greatness, your own love and incredible abundance in life! Kimberley Welman x

Meet Liz

Meet Liz

Liz is a Senior Partner in our Wholehearted Women community and is passionate about helping women create more community, connection, health and wealth. Her decades of industry experience shine through in her profound, heart-driven leadership and she brings wisdom, support and encouragement to the entire team.

This is her story:

I am forever grateful I was introduced to the Wholehearted Women in Business community as the women I have met are so supportive, fun to be around and genuinely caring. They have given me the confidence, purpose and passion to throw my heart and soul into this exciting new business venture.

I moved to Australia from New Zealand 25 years ago with my daughter and we live on the Gold Coast in the Hinterland. I have had a wide and varied career path mostly in sales and in the Network marketing Industry which I love. My passion has been to educate and promote health and wellness products and to teach others to have multiple streams of income. Something we all need in these challenging times.

The Wholehearted Women in Business Community is all about supporting other women of all ages and helping them find their strength, develop confidence and the skills to achieve their financial goals and dreams. It’s about celebrating and lifting each other up. There is no competition as we all flourish from others achievements, unlike in the competitive corporate world.

The Network Marketing Industry has become a Profession attracting entrepreneurs from all walks of life, looking for a better way. I have been able to generate a six figure income in the past but it’s a case of partnering with the right company that is rock solid and still growing and with the right products . I finally feel I have found my Forever Company . Something that I could do anywhere, anytime, on line and something that would improve my healthy lifestyle-and provide a residual for others too.

This group is like no other and I hope you will join us and fulfil your wildest dreams too!

Meet Kyra

Meet Kyra

Meet Tammy

Meet Tammy