Hi, gorgeous!

Welcome to Wholehearted Women. Iā€™m here to remind you that you are worthy of greatness, your own love and incredible abundance in life! Kimberley Welman x

Meet Kyra

Meet Kyra

Hi, I am Kyra a mum of two teenage boys and loving partner to Russ. I work full time as a School Administration Manager and also support my husband in our traditional business.

I have always been passionate about health and wellness, however never really found anything that I could stick with. So when I started the NHC program 7 months ago and quickly achieved results not only around my mindset but also physically, I knew from my heart of hearts this was something I had to share with others. This program has provided me with the tools and strategies to help not only myself but also my family shift our perspective and mindset to pivot & reevaluate our goals and direction in life.

During this past year we have not only elevated our health but also our lifestyle to allow for more abundance and balance. One of my core values and something that lights me up is serving and seeing others thrive to reach their full potential. This has always been something that I have tried to incorporate into my life through all of my relationships.

So saying YES to becoming an Ambassador for the Wholehearted Women in Business has provided me with the perfect vehicle to share this beautiful health mission with others. It has also enabled me to expand my knowledge in business and health while learning from an amazing team of women and men not only from the health & wellness space but from a variety of professions. The support, training, connection and welcoming safe online environment is unlike anything I have experienced.

The feeling of being a part of something bigger than yourself and knowing you are not alone on your journey is unbelievably motivating and liberating. This business is my passion project, it is a hobby that I fit in and around my daily commitments. It can be done in 20 to 30 minutes a day, from the car or while waiting for a coffee.

I am so grateful to have found this supportive community who raise me up every day to be the highest version of myself.

With love and gratitude, Kyra xxx

From stress and rush to a freedom, location-free lifestyle

From stress and rush to a freedom, location-free lifestyle

Meet Liz

Meet Liz