Hi, gorgeous!

Welcome to Wholehearted Women. I’m here to remind you that you are worthy of greatness, your own love and incredible abundance in life! Kimberley Welman x

Meet Sue McCulloch

Meet Sue McCulloch

Sue joined as a wellness ambassador in 2020 and brings a wealth of knowledge, vibrant energy and a humble heart to our team and her business. This is her story:

I’m 55 years old, a wife and a mother of two beautiful grown up children. I have been very passionate my whole life with keeping fit and healthy. In my recent years I’ve become heavily involved with triathlon and came to realise just how important the nutrition side of things are. Learning more about wholefoods and natural nutrition support has been eye opening and not only given me results, but my team of clients and partners. I love helping and mentoring other women (and men!) to live with more energy, vitality and health!

Living in a rural town, I had been looking and thinking about online business opportunities for quite a while, so when Wholehearted Women crossed my path, i couldn’t wait to dive in. I grew up on the beach and my dream is to be able to retire back by the beauty of the ocean. This business has given me a vehicle to work towards that goal and the fact that i get to inspire others through something i’m passionate about is so rewarding.

My vision is to help other women reach their goals through their “mind, body and health”.

Meet Tash Engel

Meet Tash Engel

Meet Nikki

Meet Nikki