Hi, gorgeous!

Welcome to Wholehearted Women. I’m here to remind you that you are worthy of greatness, your own love and incredible abundance in life! Kimberley Welman x

Social Ambassadors + Personal Development

Social Ambassadors + Personal Development

Hi Gorgeous,

We’re so excited that you’ve felt that inner fire for more and are leaning in to take a closer look at our community.

Grab yourself a smoothie and enjoy flowing through our website, soaking up our glorious mission and reading stories of how Wholehearted Women has helped so many ladies ignite more purpose, passion, impact, growth, freedom and abundance.

Our vision here is simple. We help people get healthier and happier and create their masterpiece life.

Our ambassadors are every-day women who are passionate about levelling up their own health and wellness and inspiring others. (Can you think of a more fun and important way to make an impact in our wild world right now? Women linking arms through health, growth, empowerment and FUN!)

Women join our glorious community for many reasons;

  • To be part of a community of like-minded women who love growing through health, wellness and mindset and staying accountable to their own goals

  • To make an impact and help others around them

  • To enjoy personal development and coaching

  • To create a passion project or side business for themselves through our referral business model

  • To expand on a current business or embark on a career change in the e-commerce field

  • To learn about social media and receive training and guidance

  • To gain access to our 90 Day Self Ignited Women’s Coaching series, led by Kira Love

Whether it’s a fun, casual hobby, new-age side hustle or a fully fledged business - we are here to support you.

The only pre-requisite is a warm heart. A heart that is ready to expand, love and grow! Our ambassadors also embark on their health journey and must choose one of our nutrition support products to go alongside our beautiful Naked Health Program to get started. This is a self-paced journey with no pressure or expectation.

If you’ve read this far, then we’re guessing that little flicker of light within you is burning even brighter! You’re ready to step in your power and explore your next chapter!

Well, come and join us and have some FUN! Please reach out to the ambassador who sent you this link for further information.

You’re so worthy x

“WHAT IF”……..

What if we do step into our power & dream bigger….

What if our children’s dreams are only ever as big as we lead them?

What if there’s a woman watching from the sidelines and your breakthrough will be the proof of what’s possible for her too?

What if you’ve been assigned this mountain to show others what’s possible?

What if it’s not just about you?

What if facing your fears to manifest your dreams has a ripple effect that changes the world?


That is what we do on the daily here. It’s truly that expansive.


Weekly Wholehearted Partnership Events

Weekly Wholehearted Partnership Events

Who are Wholehearted Women?

Who are Wholehearted Women?