Hi, gorgeous!

Welcome to Wholehearted Women. I’m here to remind you that you are worthy of greatness, your own love and incredible abundance in life! Kimberley Welman x

How does it work?

How does it work?

Our Wholehearted Women partners share, refer and recommend our health programs and products and in-turn create virtual businesses around that.

 By becoming an ambassador of our health programs & products, our partners are paid on every referral.

There are two ways to grow your business with us. The first way is through sharing your health journey on social media and in person. When you shine, you give other women permission to do the same. We show you how to share your journey, using our health programs and nutritional products with ease, grace and flow and inspire others to want to come on the journey with you. We empower you to learn how to share, not sell our Wholesome Health Club and every time you welcome a client into our club, you get paid a retail profit from that.

The second pillar of our business is expanding our team of partners. We’re on a global health mission to empower as many women, mums and families as we possibly can to get healthier while also educating them on clean eating and the power of wholefoods. We’re only one woman on our own - but together as a wholehearted team, we can work towards fulfilling that mission on a much grander scale. If you introduce another heart-driven women to our team, that’s another way you can generate income with us! Basically, we get to make a bunch of friends, get healthier and have fun on social media…. #SignMeUp!

While we are excited to be one of the fastest growing teams in our profession in Australia right now, we will be upfront and say, we don’t “accept” anyone and everyone. We are authentic, heart-driven women here to truly make a difference in the world. We’re not looking for top-end “sales” people ~ we’re looking for every day ladies wanting to get healthier and simply inspire others along the way, while becoming the best version of yourself.

This isn’t a fake it until you make it business. This is a life-changing, soul infusing, humble yet hungry community.

Still reading? Ohhhhh… the internal flame is burning brighter. We’re excited for you, darling!


Break Through Your Limiting Beliefs

Break Through Your Limiting Beliefs

Learn more about Wholehearted Women in Business - Online Event

Learn more about Wholehearted Women in Business - Online Event