Hi, gorgeous!

Welcome to Wholehearted Women. I’m here to remind you that you are worthy of greatness, your own love and incredible abundance in life! Kimberley Welman x

WHC Programs & Challenges

WHC Programs & Challenges

The Wholesome Health Club is a virtual wellness hub delivered via Facebook. It’s home to over 15 different food, fitness & lifestyle programs designed to meet people where they’re at on their health journey.


Our philosophy when it comes to health is to eat foods as close to their natural state as possible, exercise to nourish (not punish) our bodies, supplement with natural plant-derived nutrition & boost emotional wellness daily.

Our food coach, Kira Love is an ex MasterChef contestant, personal trainer, mindset master & nutrition author and our head fitness coach, Victoria Reihana is an Integrated Institute of Nutrition coach, personal trainer & strength and conditioning specialist for women. Victoria’s husband, Tahi Reihana also oversees the Club’s programming as an elite strength coach & trainer.

The Wholesome Health Club’s most popular programs include;



With every sign up to the Wholesome Health Club, our clients get full, lifetime access to the entire hub & every, life-changing guide within in.

 To help clients accelerate their results and make life-long, cellular health changes - a pre-requisite to join the Club is to order a minimum of ONE of the JP+ nutrition support products.

After one of our health mentors has discussed a client’s goals, they will recommend which product is best suited to go alongside the exciting program/challenges we have!

All of our wholefood nutrition support products are vegan, gluten free, dairy free and NON-GMO, family-friendly and safe for breastfeeding. (https://www.juiceplus.com.au/)

  • Complete Vegan Protein (in Choc or Vanilla); recommended as nourishing snack on the run, smoothie base or shake and take, the Complete can also be used in baking (bliss balls, protein pancakes, raw muesli bars etc). The high biological value plant protein has no artificial colours or flavours, is low GI and is perfect for leaning up and lowering body fat when used in conjunction with our programs.

  • Fruit, Veg & Berry Wholefood Powders in a Capsule; the Juice Plus+ capsules are juice powder concentrates from over 30 different fruits, vegetables and grains. They are a wonderful way to bridge the gap between what you should eat and what you do eat every day. A great way to ‘top up’, these products are clinically proven to also provide natural antioxidants, promote immune system function & reduce severity of colds & flu. Used in conjunction with our programs, these are a wonderful to improve overall health and vitality.

  • Vegan Omega Blend; this gorgeous blend contains a variety of omega fatty acids from plant oils such as algae, pomegranate seed, sea buckthorn fruit, raspberry seed, tomato seed and safflower seed. When used in conjunction with our programs, these are beautiful for reducing inflammation, joint pain, post natal depletion & improving skin, hair and nail health.

  • Premium Soft Fruit & Veg Chews for Kids; Similar to the Fruit, Veg & Berry wholefood powder capsules, the chews deliver a unique blend of 20 different fruit, veg & grains. Minimally processed, the chews are suitable for vegans (using fruit pectins not gelatin) to achieve their soft texture. Wonderful (immune boosting) snack for the whole family.

If you’re ready to ditch dieting for good and would love to not only to GET results, but empower yourself with WHY & HOW you’re making healthier changes - the Wholesome Health Club is your one stop shop and new virtual home base. In addition to our incredibly nourishing guides and nutrition support, linking arms with us on your new journey makes YOU a member of the WHC family! Our welcoming online community motivates, inspires and cheers everyone on daily. Our head coaches are within our hub and face to face workshops and events are held across Australia and New Zealand regularly.

Please contact your registered Wholesome Health Club mentor to get started!

Training & Support

Training & Support

Growth, Connection, Fun

Growth, Connection, Fun