Hi, gorgeous!

Welcome to Wholehearted Women. I’m here to remind you that you are worthy of greatness, your own love and incredible abundance in life! Kimberley Welman x

What is the Wholesome Health Club?

What is the Wholesome Health Club?

The Wholesome Health Club is our online club, comprising of 15 different health, fitness and wellness guides designed for people of all ages and abilities.


The Club is delivered online via Facebook, so it’s super accessible for anyone around the world. It’s home to our main programs, the JBT Program, StayStrongMummy Fitness Plan, 8 Week Shred Challenge, 6 Week Get Naked Challenge, 30 Day Reset Guide & 30 Day Smoothie Guide. Additionally it boasts an abundance of goodness, motivation and education through its Wholesome Kids Recipe Book, Stay Strong Dad Fitness Plan, 8 Week Body Tone Transformation, Gourmet Cleanse, Kids Smoothie Guide, Pantry Detox Guide, Self Love & Self Worth Guides, Measurements & Goal Trackers guide and an array of seasonal celebration menu guides.

Our philosophy for health is simple - eat foods as close to their natural state as possible, drink loads of water, love on your mind daily, surrounded yourself with empowering peeps - and, supplement well!

Clients get access to the entire library of programs that have been expertly created by food coaches, integrated nutrition coaches, fitness professionals and life coaches.


Learn more about Wholehearted Women in Business - Online Event

Learn more about Wholehearted Women in Business - Online Event

What are the nutrition support products that are included in the programs?

What are the nutrition support products that are included in the programs?