Hi, gorgeous!

Welcome to Wholehearted Women. I’m here to remind you that you are worthy of greatness, your own love and incredible abundance in life! Kimberley Welman x

Training & Support

One of our team mantras is - you are a blessing whether you do a little or a lot.

 When you join us as a partner, you are officially a business owner. And, this is YOUR business. It’s not something we can do for you, but we are here to do it with you! You choose your hours, you choose your pace and set the expectation.

We have training available daily, however each of our partners chooses their level of commitment. Some love to run this as a casual passion project, others enjoy having a side hustle & many run this as their full time ‘work!’

We coach and mentor you in using social media and provide all of the tools, resources and content to start and keep your business thriving.

Whether it’s running this business in 15 minute pockets of time, a few hours a week or 20+ hours a week, the choice is yours!


Community & Events

Community & Events

WHC Programs & Challenges

WHC Programs & Challenges