Hi, gorgeous!

Welcome to Wholehearted Women. I’m here to remind you that you are worthy of greatness, your own love and incredible abundance in life! Kimberley Welman x

The Partnership Suite

The Partnership Suite

We have three partnership doors to meet you where you’re at.

1) Business Partner

2) Wellness Partner

3) Social Partner

Business Partner

This is for the woman ready to elevate her entire being, create or expand an online income, raise her energetic frequency through health, nutrition, mindset, wealth & become the creative force in her life. She’s had enough of playing in her comfort zone and is ready to expand her vision, dreams and impact. Join as an online business partner & start creating an impact & income today!

Business Partner Inclusions...

Business start up kit

Health programs & nutrition support*

Website & online office activated within hours

Personal development coaching

Community support

Social media guidance and content

Business & wealth coaching Corporate & admin support

Invitations to events and conferences

Wellness Partner

This is for the woman ready to make a difference, in her own life and the lives of others. She either has a fire to learn more about her well-being and is willing to learn how to inspire others, OR she already knows the power of nutrition, fitness & mindset and is ready to serve others on a whole new level. She releases the need for perfection on a wellness journey and steps into her authentic personal power in an effort to make a contribution to the world. Her story is her power and she’s ready to learn how to share it. Join as a wellness referral partner and start your passion and contribution project or global impact and online income, today.

Wellness Partner Inclusions...

Health programs & nutrition support*

Social media training & content

Website & online office activated within hours

Customer care coaching

Personal development coaching

Global nutrition support content library & portal

Community support

Invitations to events and conferences

Social Partner

This is for the woman ready to learn how to amplify her vision, ignite more purpose, passion, personal growth & raise her frequency mind, body and spirit.

Mind: She’s looking to elevate herself and expand self love, self worth and her emotional intelligence.

Body: She’s eager to raise her health and nutrition standards.

Spirit: She’s ready to dream again and create a compelling vision.

Join as a Social Partner, be part of our heartdriven community and start your personal development, health and soul journey today.

Social Partner Inclusions...

Personal development coaching; topics include - self belief, vision, cycle mapping, relationships, energetics, wealth, health, feminine energy etc

Supporting workbooks Group chat & community support

Health programs & nutrition support*

Invitations to events and workshops

Online office portal

Feeling the fire to find out more, read some FAQ’s and hear some stories from women with a similar background to you? We get it. (Trust us, the deeper you dig here, the better it gets!) Simply pop a message through your Wholehearted Woman partner who shared this with you and ask for the Overview Brief and some stories to be sent through! Big love x



Are you ready for more?

Are you ready for more?