Hi, gorgeous!

Welcome to Wholehearted Women. I’m here to remind you that you are worthy of greatness, your own love and incredible abundance in life! Kimberley Welman x

Meet Taryn

Meet Taryn

My name is Taryn and I’m a proud tradie wife, mum to three beautiful kids (a teen and two tweens!) and a gorgeous fur baby too!

My husband and I ran a construction business for over ten years and it was a roller coaster. The business never quite delivered the time and financially freedom we hoped for – any small gain always required a sacrifice. So when we made the super hard decision to close it a couple of years ago, it us emotionally, mentally,  physically and financially drained.

It was at that point I knew I needed to do something for my own health and wellness as I wasn’t showing up as my best self. Stress has caused me to gain weight, as I overindulged in unhealthy habits. I felt below average in all areas of my life. So when I stumbled across the Naked Health Program, I knew it was my for me. The combination of a wellness program and nutritional support products that replenished my body was exactly what I was craving.

In fact, I fell in love with the program and I felt a spark of my old self return. So when the opportunity was presented to become an ambassador, it was something I jumped at.

What began as a passion project is now turning into a viable side business and I have a vision for this to become my full time occupation. Family and freedom are my two highest values, and this business allows me to live by those values.

Being part of Wholehearted Women in Business has put me back into the driver’s seat of my life. I’m now working towards financial, family and freedom goals. Whereas our previous experience as a business owner meant sacrifice, trade offs and a constant sense of financial anxiety, this business pours into me with recognition, community and rewards.

I’m forever grateful that I leaned in, got my questions answered and said yes to this opportunity that inspires me to be a better version of myself every day.

Meet Leanne

Meet Leanne

Meet Emma

Meet Emma