Hi, gorgeous!

Welcome to Wholehearted Women. I’m here to remind you that you are worthy of greatness, your own love and incredible abundance in life! Kimberley Welman x

Meet Meegan

Meet Meegan

Meegan is a Senior Partner with Wholehearted Women in Business and is passionate about helping women find their passion and purpose, in and around #mumlife!

This is her story;

Before I became a mama, I had always worked full time, been in and around a lot of people and was able to help and connect each day. I was always so dedicated to my workplace and didn’t like the thought of letting anyone down. I remember when I was pregnant and feeling so stressed when I would have to take time to go to an appointment/needed to take sick leave.

I then became a mama in May 2020 which was the original lockdown period. I absolutely loved being a Mum but I knew my Maternity Leave was coming to an end and I had to make a choice. At this point, I found myself battling with my need for financial security, community and connection but the absolute fear of dropping my daughter at child care each day.

When I decided to jump in and give this business a go, I was filled with fear and insecurities. However, I was met with a community that encouraged and inspired me to dream for more. I am so grateful that I can now work online in and around my daughter. I am able to do mummy-care rather than child-care and I don’t need to worry about missing those special moments.

I love being able to lift up and support other women and mama, to enable them to do more than they ever thought possible. I love being surrounded by like-minded and supportive women that not only encourage and motivate you, but also want to see you succeed x

Meet Sharn

Meet Sharn

Meet Renae Maclean

Meet Renae Maclean