Hi, gorgeous!

Welcome to Wholehearted Women. I’m here to remind you that you are worthy of greatness, your own love and incredible abundance in life! Kimberley Welman x

INFLUENCER, The Masterclass

INFLUENCER, The Masterclass

When YOU own your true power of being an influencer of energy, you step into your highest self and call in a new level of boldness, confidence and magnetic influence that flows through life and business.

Influencer, The Masterclass is designed for the Woman ready to harness her personal and professional power online and create a magnetic influence.

An influence so powerful, she walks away with an elevation of energetics and soulful strategy that will create immediate shifts in her being, and by default her business.

Hosted by Kira Love and Kimberley Welman, the class will cover;


  • Master the energy and confidence of being seen

  • Tools to transform your energy and align with your potential buyer

  • Master the art of BE-ing influential


  • Master your magnetic marketing

  • Authenticate your branding

  • Know your market and speak their language

  • Create compelling content

  • Ignite your confidence, belief and power online

πŸŽ₯ Watch the recording here: (13) INFLUENCER, THE MASTERCLASS | Facebook

Don’t adapt to the energy in your environment, INFLUENCE it.

Come and lean into our beautiful community and soak up this FREE masterclass!

Are you ready for more?

Are you ready for more?

Weekly Wholehearted Partnership Events

Weekly Wholehearted Partnership Events