Hi, gorgeous!

Welcome to Wholehearted Women. I’m here to remind you that you are worthy of greatness, your own love and incredible abundance in life! Kimberley Welman x



“Power attracts money and powerlessness repels it” ~ are ready to step into your power?

Our MAGNETIC MONEY MINDSET live coaching call with KIRA LOVE will show you how to reclaim your power.

Usually reserved for our Wholehearted Women community, we have made this coaching call public to serve and support you during these trying times.

What you focus on EXPANDS, and for this reason your attitude towards money will be one of the greatest barriers or influences on your success. Negative beliefs around wealth may be planted deep in our subconscious minds, and often these filters result in decisions that move us AWAY from what we actually want! This FREE workshop will help you Identify and break through limiting beliefs that hold you back from creating the abundance you were born to experience

Enjoy! x

(And if it lights a spark to take ownership of your wealth, purpose and passion - be sure to reach out to us at Wholehearted Women, as our business & ambassador partnerships are open for intake!)

MAGNETIC MONEY COACHING: https://youtu.be/aRpo4HwDmis


CLICK here

What do we do?

What do we do?

Break Through Your Limiting Beliefs

Break Through Your Limiting Beliefs