Hi, gorgeous!

Welcome to Wholehearted Women. I’m here to remind you that you are worthy of greatness, your own love and incredible abundance in life! Kimberley Welman x



COLLECTIVE CALIBRATIONS ~ Live Transmissions coming soon!

Doors open to our Wholehearted Women  COLLECTIVE CALIBRATION sessions on February 16.

This four month container is designed for the woman who is ready to grow and elevate her emotional, physical and spiritual well-being and link arms with like-minded women along the way.

She’s ready to empower herself, lean into evolution and breakthrough to new levels of personal power, health, self trust, self worth, wealth, purpose, passion, value, business & BE HER TRUE SELF.

The COLLECTIVE CALIBRATIONS invite you on a journey to rediscover your inner genius & soul led GPS, transform limitation, truly EMBODY new energy patterns on a subconscious (body) level & create new clarity, expansiveness and inspired action in YOUR life.

By doing this work as a collective, you organically feel an even deeper calibration also evolve around you, naturally calling you forward in every area of life.


In each BCC session, Kimberley shares a powerful set of calibrations, designed to expand your personal power, inside every area of your life. She takes a particular focus on health, confidence, relationships, wealth, business, purpose, worth and empowerment. The GROUP transmissions begin on a ‘logical/mind’ level and then transition into the subconscious mind (through a light meditation, where you are fully aware and in control). It’s within this state, TRUE transformation and embodiment takes place. You discover how to work with YOUR genius to release, transform or upgrade the deep set programs blocking your greater power and potential, while amplifying new CALIBRATIONS to increase the strength of your power patterns.

After each group session, you feel cleansed, light, focused, free, expressed and begin to see how ALL emotions serve you and perhaps what you’ve been considering a flaw, is in fact your greatest piece of value. This inner set point becomes the potent soil for inspired action, clarity in direction, certainty in decisions and a release of any fears that have been holding you hostage to your growth.

PLEASE NOTE: The BCC transmissions are NOT about bringing up past experiences or trauma and events. They are based on FEELINGS and personal power to transcend from limitation and amplify power patterns.

To respect the energy of this container, the standard is that every woman is on a path of progressing (not perfecting) her health, mind, body and spirit. To ensure these values are upheld, this container includes the following:

8 x Live 45 min Collective Calibration transmissions across 4 months (clarity & sub-conscious facilitation)

Online community group

Health package; access to nutrition + movement plans, PLUS a 4 month supply of JP+ high frequency fruit, veg & omega capsules

12 month community partnership with Wholehearted Women (access additional coaching containers throughout the year, plus a 10% rebate on this package!)

Replay access to BRILLIANCE 4 Week Clarity & Subconscious Transformation series (valued $299 AUD)

INVESTMENT: $604.42 AUD for 4 MONTH CONTAINER (Payment Plans across 4 x monthly installments available).

If you’re ready to embody a new state of BRILLIANCE and link arms in the collective, inbox the Wholehearted Woman who shared this link with you.

The information provided on this website, social channels and inside private coachings is for informational and social conversational purposes only and is not intended to substitute professional medical, business or personal advice, diagnoses, or treatment. No guarantees are given on any area of growth. Always seek advice from your physician or other qualified healthcare provider or professional before undertaking a new health or mindset regimen. I am not a licensed psychologist or specialist healthcare professional. My services do not replace the care of psychologists or other healthcare professionals. Your decision to participate in personal growth, meditation and subconscious empowerment is at your own discretion