Hi, gorgeous!

Welcome to Wholehearted Women. I’m here to remind you that you are worthy of greatness, your own love and incredible abundance in life! Kimberley Welman x



Karissa is our foundation partner in North Queensland and is a Senior Partner with Wholehearted Women in Business. She brings a wealth of knowledge to both our clients and business partners and combines her love of health, wellness, beauty and #MumLife to her business.

This is her story;

I joined wholehearted women in business after having my third baby in 4.5 years. I was feeling tied, lonely and uninspired. My husband was feeling the stress from being the main income earner of our now family of 5. The vision of having our home paid off seemed further away then we would have liked. I needed to contribute more to the family budget and feel passionate about something again. But I had no idea how I could do that, without taking away time from my highest value - my family. I saw Kimberley was looking for ambassadors, so I reached out for more info. It all seemed amazing and way to good to be true, but I said yes after getting all my questions answered. I just thought what have I got to loose, and if not this - then WHAT?

Fast forward 2 years now, and saying yes has absolutely changed my life in more ways then one. I’ve gone from feeling incredibly lonely, to having a community of like minded women who have my back, and who I can lean on. I am contributing more to the family budget and we can now see our home being paid off sooner rather then later. I am jumping out of bed with purpose and excitement. And I don’t have to go back to a traditional 9-5 job and having my children in childcare full time. With all of this my confidence, self worth and independence has grown massively. I love how I can do this in my time when and where I want to. I have ladies messaging me saying how I have helped and inspired them, it gives me goosebumps to know I am helping others. I’m forever grateful I found this business. Thank you Kimberley and wholehearted women in business I now have so much excitement about the future as I now know anything is possible.

Karissa x

Shine Bright Mummy Xx

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